Wow I can't believe its been a year! I don't know where the time has gone. We asked Aubrey yesterday if she remembered when we held her for the first time and said "I am your Mama I love you, I am your Baba I love you" (in Mandarin), she said "Chinese". It was cute. She is cute and funny and healthy and happy and a little stinker sometimes, and so darn smart. When I think about all the things they told us about Zheng Shuang while we were waiting in those weeks after we found out who our daughter was, about her special needs, her heart conditional and her developmental delays, her poor fine motor skills it really puzzles me. Were they watching the same little girl? My little girl has a healthy heart, my little girl came to me with the the best fine motor skills of any child I've ever known, she could pick up a flea and stick it in her mouth, and she's smart as a whip. I know I am blessed that she is healthy when she was supposed to be special needs, and trust me I feel like it was Divine intervention. After all I overcame personally this year, it has been a blessing not to have to deal with medical of developmental interventions. To spite a few little colds here and there and a staff infection she got over the summer, she has been remarkably healthy. Today we celebrate a milestone, life with Aubrey just gets better every day. We finally learned how to be the parents of a little munchkin again, we have her unconditional love, she overcame he initial insecurity over me leaving the room or leaving her with my mom while I worked (that was a challenge), she has bonded strongly with everyone in our family including aunts, uncles and cousins. Her language is continuing to improve (this is the one area where I do feel that she is a little behind for her age, my sister is a speech pathologist and she says she is within normal speech parameters for her age and feels that she will catch up on her own) she is now speaking in sentences. She is the best girl when it comes to sleep and eating, she will eat anything and sleeps 12 hours at night with a 2 hour nap at noon, could you ask for more? She sleeps in her own room now, did not have nay issue transitioning out of our room, and she goes right to sleep when you put her down. And she is doing well with potty training which we have kind of taken slowly due to my work schedule. Amazing! Now don't get me wrong, we have behavioral issues like any 2 1/2 year old, but she is easily corrected. I just feel very lucky today and everyday to have this beautiful Little sunshine in my life. We waited for so long, it thought it would never happen, and it has. Our family is complete and now we can go on living a happy life. Mama, BaBa, GuGu and Aubrey a forever family! I'm including some pics from our Gotcha Day a year ago today and some from our picnic this past weekend.