Monday, November 10, 2008

Update Day 6

Pretty low key day here in China, Zhengzhou does not have a lot for Americans to do so our time here will go slowly. We are getting to know our group members very well and the hallway in our hotel has become a common gathering place. There are some very nice and very selfless people here. This experience will change your values, it certainly has mine. Somehow I always thought the world revolved around little me and my simple turns out that there is a whole great big world out there, and there are a lot of people suffering in it. I see the daily struggle the Chinese people have just to make ends meet and take care of their families and they are such gracious generous people. We passed a very old man begging in the street and gave him some money and I thought at his age he should be retired and home being cared for by loved ones. Then there were two men who had deformities one had no hands, it is just makes you realize that your small worries pale in comparison to what the vast majority of the worlds population has to endure. The shocking thing to a westerner like me is that these people are very happy with their way of life. I never thought of our family being rich and yet we are in so many ways. Aubrey is sleeping, she went to sleep last night at 7 and woke at 6:30 in the morning, she takes a two hour nap mid day (now). She eats everything she can get her hands on and is quite a little chink of lead. She gets a little fussy when she is tired or hungry but other than that she is happy all the time. She is bonding with all of us well, especially me, but she will readily go to Jimmy and loves to play with him. We got our adoption registration done this morning and received a cetificate....she is officially ours a few more steps to go and then we can come home, it could not come fast enough for me, China has its great aspects don't get me wrong, but I appreciate so much more now what we have at home in the US. Here are some more pics....

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