Sunday, September 13, 2009


Aubrey at 1 year of age.

Aubrey at 2 1/2.

It's hard to beleive it has been almost 10 months, this time last year we were just recieveing our LOA. I remember how excited, emotional and SCARED to death I was. Now Aubrey is sitting beside me on the couch and watching cartoons and we are at peace. One day I will write about my emotional journey during our adoption, it has certainly been a rollercoaster I never expected to ride. I always thought adoption was about wanting a child and finding a child that needed a home and then after a bunch of formalities life resumes and your family is complete, A to Z just like that. In reality that scenario is full of giant HOLES. To sum it up it has been the most fullfilling wonderful thing and the hardest thing I have ever done......I'll write a book about it one day I think:)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just loved this photo thought I'd add it. Jimmy, Aubrey and I went to the beach last week, Destin, FL. It was my National Sales Meeting for work, had a great week. It is always a really exhausting week too much overindulgence, eat to much drink too much stay out too late and come home feeling like you got hit by a semi! I was rather proud that I kindaof took it easy on myself and feel better than usual, i might just shake off the fog by tomorrow, just got home yesterday. Aubrey is doing really great, she recently went through a pretty whiney phase that was driving me nuts but it seems to have passed. I find that with kids these patches usually do if you don't pay them too much attention. She continues to be such a loving, sweet little blessing. Zach is doing great also, school is going well so far, he has a really sweet girlfriend, we are looking for a vehicle for him, he is still playing guitar and singing his heart out. What a lucky Mom I am:)